Film Distribution Application
Matrixx Internet Distribution
Sample Terms & Automatically Parsed Royalties

Entity Type:
Rep's Name:
Title of the Picture:
Copyright Owner of Picture:

As long as the quality of your Picture is reasonably acceptable, we are not concerned about your origination medium, distribution media or length of the show, so long as it is longer than 5 minutes and is narrative drama. Therefore, please check the any number of items that can help us form an understanding of your Picture:

Running Time in Minutes:
5 to 9
10 to 14
15 to 29
30 to 59
60 to 84
85 to 120
121 to 180
Over 180


Predominant Origination Medium:
65mm negative
Super 35mm negative
35mm negative
Super 16mm negative
16mm negative
16mm reversal
Double S/8
Super 8 reversal
Super 8 negative
Digital tape (any format)
Betacam tape
1-inch tape
3/4-inch tape
High 8 tape
8mm tape
Super VHS tape
VHS tape

Distribution Media Available:
70mm film
Super 35mm film
35mm film
Super 16mm film
16mm film
Super 8 film
Digital tape (any format)
Betacam tape
1-inch tape
3/4-inch tape
High 8 tape
8mm tape
Super VHS tape
VHS tape

Other rights in the Picture which are still available:
Home Video
Second-Run Cable
Free TV

Territories in the Picture which are still available:
United States
United Kingdon/Ireland
South Korea
Former USSR
All of the Above

Please describe why you would like Matrixx Internet Distribution ("MID") to distribute your Picture and what you would like to get out of this relationship:

Please disclose any of the following that apply to you:
I am the Copyright owner of the Picture

The Picture has been sold or released in the following Media and Territories before:

The Picture released in those Media and Territories at the following date(s):

I am affiliated with the AFMA

I am affiliated with an MPAA Company

I am affiliated with the ISPA

I am affiliated with the DGA

I am affiliated with the WGA

I am affiliated with the ASC

I do not legally reside in the United States

I have a criminal record for copyright violations

I have submitted the following motion picture(s) to MID in the past:

I am affiliated with an entity which might be in competition with MID

I currently working for Matrixx Entertainment

I currently work in the Feature Film Industry in the following capacity(s):
and for the following company(s):

Sample Distribution Terms

The following are the basic terms and conditions of distribution any licensee distributor, producer or filmmaker ("Licensee" entity) will be asked to accept by Matrixx Internet Distribution ("MID") in the Matrixx Internet Distribution Agreement before accepting for release Licensee's feature motion picture, entitled (hereinafter the "Picture").

1. Licensee represents and warrants that s/he has the authority to enter into the agreement and will deliver the motion picture when promised and in the following format:

2. The term of the agreement is years ("Term") with MID having an exclusive option to renew the Term for an additional years for the sum of $ .

3. MID agrees to place Licensee's Picture on the Internet and make such available for downloading and/or streaming customers who pay by credit/debit card accounts.

4. The territories are the entire World and Universe as such apply to the digital delivery of the Picture (the "Territory") .

5. All royalties received on behalf of Licensee shall be automatically parsed and wire-transferred directly upon receipt into the following bank accounts at the indicated percentages, which must add up to 100 percent:

Person, Entity or Group Percent Bank ABA-Account Number
Development Investor(s)
Producer Unit
Production Investor(s)
Acting Talent
Staff & Crew
Matrixx Internet Distribution 25% First Union 031201467-2050176519999

6. Licensee will acknowledge that moviegoers downloading their Picture may not be required to "return" or "delete" the download and as such may keep a copy of the Picture, provided such copy of the Picture retains an advertisement for both Licensee and MID, devised in such parties respective, sole discretions.

7. Licensee and MID acknowledge they recognize that marketing the Picture over the Internet and/or to to global markets may result in copyright infringement and/or piracy and accordingly, both parties shall indemnify and hold each other harmless in the event of such occurance.

8. MID will grant Licensee audit right at the following times: and at the following address: .

9. If MID, for any reason cannot distribute or sell the Picture over the Internet within months of the Agreement, Licensee shall have the option to cancel the Internet Distribution Agreement and all rights granted will revert to Licensee.

10. Submiting this Application does not obligate either party to enter into the Matrixx Internet Distribution Agreement, however MID will not offer Licensee, or any party, the internet distribution agreement until and unless this form is filled out in full, truthfully and correctly, and submitted to Matrixx Internet Distribution over the Internet.

I have the following objections or suggestions with regard to this licensing arrangement:


In consideration for the benefits described above, I warrant that the information I hereby submit is true and correct and I have no objections to the above terms and conditions other than those stated in the space provided, if any. Please send me the password forthe Matrixx Internet Distribution Agreement which I agree to keep confidential except to my legal represenative.

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All Rights Reserved