Welcome to the Lee Garmes Cinema Institute

The Finance Course

Welcome to the Finance Course. This course is broken into 13 sections as follows:

  • Treasury Setup, Bookkeeping, Reports
  • Accountants, Attornies, Broker-Dealors, Finders
  • P&Ls, Cash Flow Statements, Balance Sheet
  • Securities & Exchange Commission Regulations
  • Family, Friend, Angel Seed Money
  • Angel Financing, Venture Capital, Investment Bankers
  • Private Placements, Initial Public Offerings
  • Budgets and Completion Bonds
  • Pre-sales, Negative Pickups
  • Debt Financing
  • Studio/Distributor Financing
  • Investor Recoupment, Profit Participation
  • Automatically Parsed Royalties
  • Company Valuation, Exit Strategies

The Finance Course starts out very simply and builds carefully so you will have a good understanding of how money is raised. You will have actual assignments towards the end of the course. If you do each section of this course well - we guarantee you will be able to raise money to fund production and other activities.

We very much appreciate any comments or suggestions you might have on what you like or how we can improve the Lee Garmes Cinema Institute.

Thank you for piloting this new way to deliver film school in virtual reality.

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