Reader Rules

The following are the complete Reader Rules (of 26 February 1987RA) referred to on the Reader Reports and to which Reader agrees. Salient portions of these rules are printed on each Reader Report. All Readers must be hired by the Company to be recognized as Readers and hereby acknowledge that they have read and understand the compensation deal outlined here.

1. All scripts taken out, or accessed, by Reader must be signed for in the appropriate log book, or in the appropriate space in the electronic form provided.

2. Reader agrees not to talk with other Readers BEFORE you or they have read the script and filled out a Reader Report.

3. Don't contact the writer under any circumstances.

4. Don't copy, forward, email or lose any script that comes into your custody or to which you gain electronic access. You will be held responsible for the whereabouts and safety of any scripts that come into your custody.

5. Don't show, forward, email, transmit or give any script to any other person, studio, producer or entity at any time, during or after your reading term.

6. Mail, or electronically submit, all completed Reader Reports directly to the VP Development as soon as you have filled them out. dNa DevelopMent will reimburse you for your postage if you present receipts to the bookkeeper.

7. For each fully filled out Reader Report you will be paid (unless you are on a volunteer basis) whether you RECOMMEND or do NOT RECOMMEND making a movie based on that script.

8. Rotate or return each hard-copy of the screenplay as designated by the Head Reader, or if not designated for any reason, return within seven (7) days of receipt or you may be fined up to $25. This, of course, does not apply to Readers on the Net.

9. If you cannot read a script within the designated time, rotate it to the next Reader or return it to Head Reader as designated. Do not hold up a script for any reason.

10. Never fill out a Reader Report unless you have read the script and analyzed it to the best of your ability.

11. Encourage other Readers to follow these rules and report any that do not to the Head Reader.

12. All Reader Reports must be Typed. Very neat printing may be accepted in some cases if cleared by the Head Reader.

13. When the password changes, re-apply using the designated form, if you want to continue reading.

14. Read and understand and agree with the deal being offered before you begin reading.

15. Do not jump around from electronic script to script reading same without filling out a Reader Report.

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