Welcome to Matrixx Internet Distribution

A New Paradigm for Motion Picture Exhibition & Recoupment

Welcome to Matrixx Internet Distribution (MID), the premiere site on the Internet where filmmakers can expose their films to a potential of 500 million moviegoers worldwide through our wholly-owned exhibition websites of INDEPENDENT PRODUCTION TV, HOME VIDEO NETWORK or PAY-PER-VIEW.COM -- and where private investors can finally experience speedy recoupment and positive cashflow from a new paradigm of distribution without Hollywood's infamous creative accounting.

Unlike other Internet streaming or studio/distribution companies, the things that make us unique are:

Producers, Investors, Participants paid from gross

Films delivered in DVD, VHS and "Thumbnail" quality

Most films are accepted AND exhibited

MID takes only a 25% distribution fee

To find out more, and to submit your films, videos or shows, just click on the various items in the menu to your left.

Very Truly Yours,

Dan Kingsley,
Sr. VP Marketing

| Mission Statement |
| What's New | Overview | Virtual Studio |
| Bookstore | Professional Services | Useful Information |
| Employment | In-Development | Script Submissions |
| Script Reading | Website Development | Non-Linear Editing |
| Film Distribution | Discussion Den | Contact MEC |
| Lee Garmes Cinema Institute |

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tm & © 1996 - 2007 by Matrixx Entertainment Corporation ("MEC") d\b\a Matrixx Internet Distribution ("MID")
The terms and phrases "Home Video Network," "Pay-per-view.com," "Movies-on-Demand," "Automatically Parced Royalties," "The World's First Internet Distribution Company for Video-on-Demand™ as well as this "Distribution Agreement" and the business process described and used herewith, are trademarks of MEC, a Delaware corporation. This business process and Distribution Agreement may not be copied, in full or in part, or used without express written permission from the copyright owner.

© 1996 - 2007 Matrixx Entertainment Corporation ("MEC")
The structure, layout, functionality and buttons (including, but not limited to, those labled as "Bandwidth," "Compression," Frame Rate," Max Filesize," "Colors," "Sound," "Advertising Level," "Language," "Download Time," "Start Screening at") along with the buttons option contents (as found on the left- and right-hand frames menus of the Home Video Network and Pay-per-view.com menus) constitute a proprietary business methodology/plan and common law service marks owned by MEC.

MID was founded on February 15, 1996.