What's New at MEC
February 2012

Dear Friends & Associates:


We are pleased to announce that on 10 February 2012, Matrixx Productions, finished principle photography on the INLIQUID art and design show of 2012, the biggest show so far. This incredible event, founded by Rachel Zimmerman, is on its 12th year showcasing some of Philadelphia's outstanding artists, sculptures and photographers. The documentary, directed and edited by James Jaeger, was hosted by artist, Nikolay Milushev and will be in post for about 30 days when it will be available on YouTube and here or below. Find out how the Philadelphia art community is giving the New York art community some serious competition.

While this year's documentary is in post, watch last year's doc at http://youtu.be/1ZsnF5WfePQ


Art Show at the DaVinci Lounge features many local talents. A James Jaeger Film, artist Nikolay Milushev gives us a perspective on the art scene in Philadelphia. Watch the 5 minute documentary at http://youtu.be/A2bGo-ESXUQ or below.


Matrixx Productions, in association with the TESLA SCIENCE FOUNDATION completed principle photography on TESLA DAYS 2011. The Tesla Science Foundation hosted a dinner, conference and performance of the Divine Hand Ensemble as part of the NIKOLA TESLA ENERGY INDEPENDENCE CELEBRATIONS. This conference was held on 10 July 2011 at the Ethics Society in Philadelphia. The conference was peppered with world-famous scientists, electrical engineers, educators, historic reconstructionists, government officials and Tesla fans. Tesla Science Foundation president, Nikola Lonchar, president, hosts this film which features clips from, not only the dinner speeches, but a performance by THE DIVINE HAND ENSEBLE, the only musical group in the world to utilize an electronic instrument that is played with NO physical contact - the theremin. Very Tesla-like! Be sure to watch the violin performances by Monique Cannier and Julie Myers at the end of the film. Lastly, this film was shot by filmmaker James Jaeger (FIAT EMPIRE, ORIGINAL INTENT, SPOILER) who is producing a feature film about the life of Nikola Tesla entitled, TESLA - The Poet of Electricity. (See www.PoetOfElectricity.com for more information on the film and www.TeslaScienceFoundation.org for more information of the Tesla Science Foundation. Watch the 24 minute documentary of TESLA DAYS 2012 at http://youtu.be/ag-wdMSG-KI or below.


We are pleased to announce that SPOiLER -How a Third Political Party Could Win is complete and was released on 15 September 2011 where it premiered at the Clearview Anthony Wayne Theater and was broadcast online exclusively by THE DAILY BELL, the flagship organization of The Foundation for the Advancement of Free-Market Thinking.

As of 27 October, about 25,000 people have watched SPOILER.

And it's literally PLASTERED all over Google.com, mostly TV stations. If you don't believe me, enter "SPOILER - How a Third Political Party Could Win" in the Google search engine and check out what happens for at least 20 pages of search results.

The premiere at the Anthony Wayne Theater was hosted by non-partisan activist, Betsy Metz, and award-winning anchor and producer, Lou Tilley. About 65 people attended the premiere, but according to server stats, approximately 1500 people watched SPOILER on its premiere date. If you missed it, you can still watch the 1-hour version of SPOILER for free at THE DAILY BELL at http://www.theDailyBell.com/spoiler or on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHQj9wtW3nA. If you want the full 2-hour verion of SPOiLER go to http://www.SpoilerUSA.org/single.htm

After you watch the movie, read Nelson Hultberg's interview about the making of SPOiLER and what political message his organization, Americans for a Free Republic, brings to the table. SPOiLER was inspired by Nelson Hultberg's revolutionary new book, The Conservative Revolution, and his DAILY BELL interview has stirred up quite a debate over the issue of a third party and how we can get back to sound money and limited government.

Nevertheless, as intellectuals in the FREEDOM MOVEMENT debate the most salient issues of the day, the MAINSTREAM MEDIA continues to ignore all the most salient issues of the day.

Not only does this include RON PAUL at the debates, but it includes SPOiLER and its vision of a small-government political party. And we know this for a fact because one of our executive producers and production publicist, Diana Zoppa, enlisted the services of the CNW NEWSWIRE to disseminate a News Release about SPOILER to 8,174 news organizations -- essentially every newspaper, radio and TV network in the United States. Guess how many of them are ran stories about SPOiLER - How a Third Political Party Could Win? 56 of them to start, but now it's hundreds. Nevertheless the MAINSTREAM media is still ingnorong SPOILER while hundreds of local TV stations have acknowledged it and are starting to run it. Where have we seen this MO before? The Tea Party. Occupy Wall Street. The WTO rally in Seattle. The Arab Spring. Ho hum. Moral: get your news from foreign TV, such as RT.com, if the U.S. media won't properly inform us.

SPOiLER seems to be going viral on the Internet! How do we know? Because, according to YouTube server stats, hundreds of people are downloading it every day.

THE DAILY BELL launched SPOiLER, but now it seems that other organizations -- such as Rense.com, Facebook.com, theBlaze.com, theDailyPaul.com and rightsidenews.com -- on the broader network, have picked it up and started referring it and embedding the YouTube player on their sites.

Thus as of this date, about 25,000 people have watched SPOiLER and the stats keep rising.

Nevertheless, the best way news of SPOiLER and Nelson Hultberg's vital strategy as to how we can take back the Republic is going to be via our modern-day Gutenberg Press -- the Internet and word-of-mouth. This is how one of our earlier films, FIAT EMPIRE, got out. Thanks to the Internet -- and to the dismay of globalists hell-bent on setting up a totalitarian one-world government -- over 5 million people watched FIAT EMPIRE and the same number, or more, can watch SPOiLER. By doing this, Americans can learn what to DO about the problem of mission-creep, unconstitutional government. That's right, SPOiLER does more than just complain: it offers an action plan ... something the power elite doesn't want the sheep to know about.

So, if you want to take action, here's are some URLs you should note:

To watch SPOiLER for free, go to:

YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHQj9wtW3nA
THE DAILY BELL at http://www.theDailyBell.com/spoiler or watch it below

To Get DVDs of SPOiLER (2-hour version), go to:

www.SpoilerUSA.org/single.htm (for single copies)
www.SpoilerUSA.org/quantity.htm (for wholesale quantities)
www.SpoilerUSA.org/non_us.htm (for non-US orders)

To watch other James Jaeger Films for free, go to:


To purchase DVDs of other James Jaeger Films, go to:


To support the Conservative American Party, go to:


To support The Foundation for the Advancement of Free-Market Thinking, go to:


To get active in The Freedom Force, go to:



For Immediate Release:



SPOiLER --  How a Third Political Party Could Win
Thursday, September 15, 2011 -- 7:00PM EDT


Valley Forge, Pennsylvania – On September 15th, 2011 at 7:00 PM EDT, a simultaneous U.S. and world premiere for SPOiLER, will be held at the Clearview Anthony Wayne Theater in Wayne, PA and broadcast exclusively online by The Foundation for the Advancement of Free-Market Thinking (www.fafmt.li) on its flagship website, www.thedailybell.com

Filmmaker James Jaeger (FIAT EMPIRE, ORIGINAL INTENT) teams with constitutional attorney, Edwin Vieira, Jr. and political strategist, Nelson Hultberg on SPOiLER -- How a Third Political Party Could Win.  The 119-minute feature, produced by Matrixx Productions, explores the underlying causes of the welfare-warfare state ushered in by the Democratic and Republican parties the past 98 years.

The documentary posits that reform will never come from the entrenched parties because both have a vested interest in the endless expansion of government and Keynesian economics, an economic system that emphasizes government expenditure facilitated by debt and fiat (paper) currency.  SPOiLER lays out a strategy as to how a new, or existing, third political party could defeat the DemoPublicans.

SPOiLER features Pat Buchanan (Where the Right Went Wrong), Chuck Baldwin (former presidential candidate), G. Edward Griffin (The Creature from Jekyll Island) and Peter Lillback (George Washington's Sacred Fire).  Congressman Ron Paul and senatorial candidate, Jack Rooney, make guest appearances along with Edwin Vieira, Jr., A.B., A.M., Ph.D., J.D. Harvard and Nelson Hultberg (The Conservative Revolution).

Contact Information

Theaters, cable networks and local access TV that wish to participate in the premiere -- or distribute
SPOiLER at later dates -- should contact the producers at contact@mecfilms.com

Information regarding this news release, the filmmaker, producers, featured experts and
upcoming projects from Matrixx Productions is available by contacting:
Diana Zoppa, 778-628-2770, zoppa@zoppamediagroup.com
Whitney Sterling, 212-933-9374,

-- Your coverage of this event is invited - both are complimentary viewing --

Presented by The Foundation for the Advancement of Free Market Thinking (FAFMT)
SPOiLER is distributed by www.moviepubs.net

Screen SPOiLER on Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 7:00 PM EDT at www.thedailybell.com/spoiler
Trailer, clips of the show and DVDs available at SPOiLER website at:



Matrixx Production has been experimenting with the first multiple camera shoots whereby each cameraman operates two (2) cameras simultaneously. Check out THE CHATTERBAND and THE POKERFACE BLUES BAND

Next we will add a Flying iStick to the mix, so "stay tuned," as John Longenecker might say.


Post Digital Group, MEC's new 4-track recording studio, has serviced its first professional clients, among which were Sam Chew (A&E, NBC) for Alltate Auto Insurance and Lou Tilley (Comcast sportscaster) for 2 VO sessions and 6 multi-camera shows.


CULTURAL MARXISM is now carried by World Net Daily and is one of their most successful films.


James Jaeger worked with freelance anchor and multi-media producer, Lou Tilley, on an inspirational show featuring Pastor John Lozano. The 6-part series explores many subjects, including marriage and prayer's function in a person's life.


The script for THE SAGA OF BIOS AND ZOE - How Stem Cell Cloning Will Someday Cure Death is done. Kris Chandler has been selected to do the narration, which is complete. Listen to it at http://www.mecfilms.com/mid/movies/saga.mp3 This documentary, inspired by the work of Dr. Michael D. West, will explore the potential of a new technology that will forever change humanity. The film, written and directed by James Jaeger (grandson of the late J. Rudolph Jaeger, M.D., founder of the Department of Neurosurgery at Jefferson), will discuss strategies for making this revolution happen more quickly and with greater safety. Fasten your seat belt. And for those of you who don't relish the thought of gray hair, wrinkled skin or death -- you might consider saying "yes" to donating to the production of this worthwhile film when the website is set up and we ask you. Thanks.

P.S. Please note, this documentary will NOT promote the use of EMBRYONIC stems cells as there are emerging technologies that offer alternatives.


James Jaeger met with a special advisory board and the board of directors of the Tesla Science Foundation on 24 September and 03 October 2010, respectively, to go over the screenplay and explain what challenges have been faced in the research, writing and development-financing of this important motion picture about the life of Nikola Tesla. The Tesla Science Foundation, under the leadership of president Nikola Lonchar and chairman David Vuich, has quickly grown to be the largest Tesla association in the United States.

For more information on TESLA - The Poet of Electricity, visit the official site at www.PoetOfElectricity.com.


We are pleased to announce the completion of a short documentary for the INLIQUID art show, benefit and auction. This incredible event, founded by Rachel Zimmerman, is on its 11th year showcasing some of Philadelphia's outstanding artists and sculptures. The documentary, directed and edited by James Jaeger, was co-hosted by Alison McDonald and Nikolay Milushev. Watch the 12-minute film and find out how the Philadelphia art community is giving the New York art community some serious competition. MAC users click here.


We are pleased to announce two new documentaries, THE SAGA OF BIOS AND ZOE and SIDE EFFECTS.

SAGA OF BIOS AND ZOE will explore why we get gray hair, flabby skin and eventually die. The movie and its experts will discuss the state of the art of regenerative medicine, offer remedies and discuss strategies for encouraging more financial support for this universal concern. The final draft of the script is complete and Kris Chandler has completed the narration, which you can hear by clicking here.

SIDE EFFECTS will explore social drinkers and the DUI industry and discuss how alcohol and drug abuse can be remedied in a more enlightened manner than the "war on drugs." The first draft of the SIDE EFFECTS script is complete and Lou Tilley, producer and former sportscaster with COMCAST, is slated to narrate.

Feel free to contact us with anecdotes and suggestions.


We are pleased to announce that CORPORATE FASCISM - The Destruction of America's Middle Class is now complete and so is the new website at http://www.CorporateFascism.org

This 101-minute documentary -- featuring Ted Baehr, Pat Buchanan, G. Edward Griffin, Ron Paul and Edwin Vieira -- explores the endless consolidation of corporations and the effects of NAFTA. CORPORATE FASCISM explores how easy and endless fiat currency, created by the Federal Reserve System, has allowed Congress to literally be purchased by corporate entities and special interest groups and how REGULATORY CAPTURE is ruining our nation. But Big Corporations are only half the story. Big Government, facilitated by a bastardization of the COMMERCE CLAUSE by an activist Supreme Court, has allowed a totally new kind of fascism to form: corporate fascism where huge multinational corporations combine with huge and ever-pervasive government to ignore the will of We the People and the Republic for which we stand.

CULTURAL FASCISM has been submitted to the Sundance Film Festival and will be held off the market until they make their decision as to whether to accept it or not sometime in December. If they accept it, they will have a premiere for CULTURAL MARXISM sometime in January of 2011.

If you are a Progressive, this documentary is for you. Those of you who have accused Matrixx Entertainment or James Jaeger of being (too) right-wing may have to adjust your thinking after seeing CORPORATE FASCISM. Both the Left and the Right have problems. Both the Left and Right have merits and common issues they wish to address were it not for the entrenched political parties keeping them off the presidential debate stage.


A new trailer for our feature, TESLA - The Poet of Electricity, has been completed by Whitney Sterling. You can screen the short trailer by clicking here and follow the progress of the feature by visiting the TESLA - Poet of Electricity website.


As reported earlier CULTURAL MARXISM - The Corruption of America is complete and was premiered at OATH KEEPERS on 2 July 2010. It was well-received by the local patriots as well as a reporter from Harpers.

THE OATH KEEPER newspaper featured CULTURAL MARXISM on its front cover and THE DAILY BELL ran a review by Nelson Hultberg on its front cover.

Lastly, but most importantly, the REALITY ZONE -- founded by well-known producer-writer G. Edward Griffin -- has been carrying CULTURAL MARXISM and has sold out three times! To read a concise description of the film and get a DVD, go to http://www.RealityZone.com -- but you better hurry!

CULTURAL MARXISM is a 98-minute documentary -- featuring Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, Edwin Vieira and others -- that explores collectivist ideologies that have lead to ever bigger government and the welfare state. It delves into how the Frankfurt School, a Marxist splinter group, established itself at Columbia University and began "the long march through the institutions." The idea was, and still is, to infiltrate every corner of Western culture and pervert traditional Christian values with "political correctness." The goal is to destroy American capitalism by undermining its economic engine, the Middle Class, and the basic building block of society: the family unit.

CULTURAL MARXISM is a 98-minute abridged version of ORIGINAL INTENT with certain new material. If you are a libertarian or conservative, this documentary is for you. If you want to screen this documentary for a public or private audience or run it on (local access) TV, it is now the perfect feature-length to do this and you hereby have permission.

The official website is at http://www.CulturalMarxism.org


Matrixx Productions has recently completed two new short documentaries, one for artist Nikolay Milushev's exhibit at the Portside Parlor & Art Gallery in Philadelphia and the other for the Tesla Science Foundation's promotion of the NIKOLA TESLA Energy Independence Celebrations 2010 taking place in Philadelphia between 9 July and 11 July, 2010.

You can screen both videos at THE HOMEVIDEO NETWORK or watch them on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/OriginalIntentDoc


BOOKS? MOVIES? USEFUL INFORMATION? Go to the new MOVIE PUBS site at www.MoviePubs.net built by BackBone Enterprises.


We are also pleased to announce that the HOME VIDEO NETWORK has been completely revised and simplified. Almost every film produced by Matrixx Productions is now available on-line at the HOME VIDEO NETWORK.

Visit the HOME VIDEO NETWORK at http://www.homevideo.net and watch a few films.

You can also access the HOME VIDEO NETWORK library by going to www.PAY-PER-VIEW.COM or www.IndependentProduction.TV


Our new low-budget feature screenplay, GOING OUT, has just completed another draft. GOING OUT is based on the short film entitled THE PICKUP, written and directed by James Jaeger, which successfully played to audiences in California. We are looking for a producing partner for this feature slated to be shot around the Main Line and Valley Forge area Spring 2011. If you are interested in participating on this project, you can read the screenplay here, the budget here and contact us here.


ORIGINAL INTENT is available at http://www.mecfilms.com/mid/movies/oi/part1.wmv and http://www.mecfilms.com/mid/movies/oi/part2.wmv

Since its release in December of 2009, ORIGINAL INTENT has been slowly "growing legs" -- distributor lingo for "spreading by word-of-mouth and other means." This is encouraging, for it's vitally important that a self-governing nation take an interest in its constitution and the very document that defined and made possible its existence: the U.S. Constitution.

MOVIEGUIDE, the nationally syndicated family guide to movies and entertainment, gave ORIGINAL INTENT its highest +4 star rating stating: "ORIGINAL INTENT is a very clear, compelling, look at the Cultural Marxist attack on the original intent of the Founders of this great republic. This documentary is constantly captivating and often reveals significant facts and truths that few people understand." To read the full MOVIEGUIDE review, click here.

ORIGINAL INTENT also received a good review in THE NEW AMERICAN, which you can read here.

A number of public access TV channels around the country have started running ORIGINAL INTENT. One access channel is in Seattle, Washington, another in Texas and most recently the public access channel in Tredyffrin Township adjacent to Valley Forge: Channel 2 (Comcast) and Channel 24 (Verizon). Tredyffrin Township, founded in 1682, is one of the oldest townships in the United States. Rich in American heritage, Greenwood Studios located at the township facility, will be running ORIGINAL INTENT for about seven months, playing it in half-hour installments so the public can easily absorb the Founders' message. See schedule here.

For those that don't want to wait for seven months to watch it, ORIGINAL INTENT, is also available on DVD at http://www.OriginalIntent.US.

ORIGINAL INTENT covers the consequences of failing to heed the Founders' intent. The documentary discusses the Federal Reserve System and other issues, such as the Commerce Clause, Article III, Section 2 and the Second Amendment.

We were very fortunate to have been able to interview former presidential candidate/congressman, RON PAUL, author/political analyst, PAT BUCHANAN, author/producer, G. EDWARD GRIFFIN, constitutional attorney/author, EDWIN VIEIRA, and media expert and founder of Movieguide, TED BAEHR. We were also able to interview former presidential candidate, MICHAEL BADNARIK, radio host-philosopher, STEFAN MOLYNEUX, activist and former presidential candidate, WALTER REDDY and author-tax activist, LARKEN ROSE -- who each bring a unique perspective to the concept and practice of liberty.

ORIGINAL INTENT has a running time of 197-minutes, the perfect length for a patriot that feels it's more important to learn about his or her constitution than to watch pundits on mainstream TV all evening. For those that like to savor every academic moment of their Constitution, we suggest Part I is watched in the morning, and Part II watched the next morning. There is a much material to absorb in this documentary. As such, we have introduced the basic concepts and issues in Part I, and then further explored them in Part II, ending with suggested solutions to bringing back a Constitutional Republic. A night's sleep between screening Part I and Part II is thus recommended for optimum processing of the film.

Here's what THE DAILY BELL had to say about ORIGINAL INTENT:

... we believe a broader cross-section of the world's population would greatly benefit from viewing James' excellent work. We will certainly be encouraging others to watch it and hope you do too.

Full Interview of James Jaeger at http://www.rightsidenews.com/200912067643/politics-and-economics/james-jaeger-on-how-to-survive-as-a-libertarian-rebel.html and at http://www.thedailybell.com/640/James-Jaeger-Original-Intent-Fiat-Empire.html


On 29 December 2009, Matrixx Productions, in association with The Tesla Science Foundation, was asked to film the largest tesla coil in private hands in the U.S. The coil, built by Leslie Baird of Bryn Mawr as an application of Tesla technology, can produce up to 2 million volts of electricity. Leslie Baird attended MIT and has been an experimental scientist for many years. She is also related to Michael Faraday, one of a handful of scientists to have a unit of scientific notation named after him. Other units include the watt, the amp, the volt, the newton, the coulomb and the tesla.

The 20-minute documentary, entitled THE LESLIE COIL -- hosted by George Burden, directed by James Jaeger and produced by Ted Pollard -- is now available at http://www.mecfilms.com/mid/movies/leslie.wmv and at the HOME VIDEO NETWORK as well as on YOUTUBE.

Nikola Lonchar and George Burden, officers of The Tesla Science Foundation, presented James Jaeger with a lifetime membership in the NIKOLA TESLA INVENTOR'S CLUB on 19 February 2010 for his work on THE LESLIE COIL and TESLA - The Poet of Electricity.


HELICOPTER BEN is now complete and it can be screened at http://www.mecfilms.com/mid/movies/helicopter.wmv or at the HOME VIDEO NETWORK.

This documentary chronicles a week in the life of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernankeee as he goes about his challenging work expanding the money supply and bringing it to you. During production, we were fortunate to capture some the Ron Paul Volunteers in their daily work as well.


Matrixx Productions recently teamed with former Radnor-Commissioner-turned-producer, Ted Pollard, to produce a 20-minute documentary on the activities of the Radnor Historical Society. The Society has been very successful in restoring much of the American heritage in and around Radnor, Pennsylvania for may years. Projects have included restoration of the Berwyn Baptist Cemetery, World War II War Memorial in Wayne, War Memorial at the Radnor library, the old Log Cabin on Northeastern University campus, the Radnor Trails along the former P&G line, the Finley House Museum in Wayne and the Willows Cottage. This documentary will screen on local TV, but available at the Radnor Historical Societies website at www.RadnorHistory.org. The HOMEVIDEO NETWORK also carries the show and you can get it at http://www.mecfilms.com/mid/movies/radnor.wmv now.


Post Digital Group has just completed construction of a state-of-the-art recording studio that is now available for VO, looping, ADR, Foley and general 4-track recording. An open house event is planned for mid June 2010. Photographs of the new studio are available at the website. Just go to http://www.PostDigitalGroup.com and click on TOUR STUDIO.

Post Digital Group is located in Devon and available to clients in the Philadelphia area.



To book time or to look at the studios, click here and go to CONTACTS.


TESLA - The Poet of Electricity has undergone many years of research and writing and we believe it's the most authoritative and interesting version of Nikola Tesla's incredible life to date.

As of Spring 2009, we have taken this project to three major studios all of which have reviewed the screenplay and recommended it for production pending the official attachment of a suitable name director. We have also taken this project to a number of name directors who have reviewed the screenplay and indicated their interest in participating in this project when it is set up at a studio. Three name acting talents are unofficially attached. A preliminary budget is available. If you represent a suitable director, studio or major production company that is interested in this project, please contact James Jaeger or Carol Snyder at 310/499-7110 or contact@mecfilms.com. If you are interested in playing the part of Nikola Tesla (or any of the other supporting roles) please send your picture and resume to Matrixx Productions, P.O. Box 5155, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, Attention: Carol Snyder.

If we are unable to get TESLA funded by an American studio, we will submit the project to non-US studios or fund it in the private capital markets.

For more information on the TESLA project, see http://www.PoetOfElectricity.com


FIAT EMPIRE now has a new website at www.FiatEmpire.org

FIAT EMPIRE, written and directed by James Jaeger, has been screened by about five million people around the world and hit number one on Google Video four times. It remains one of the top films on the Internet and garnered a Telly Award in 2006.

When we produced FIAT EMPIRE, we had no idea that one of our experts would become a presidential candidate, but indeed such transpired with RON PAUL. Since Dr. Paul's announcement, his popularity has been steadily growing and he as founded a populist movement known as the Ron Paul Revolution. Many acknowledge that the RON PAUL REVOLUTION triggered the TEA PARTIES that are now taking place across the nation.

MEC granted a free license to a volunteer network of citizens to copy and disseminate a special RON PAUL Volunteer Edition of FIAT EMPIRE and this has been making its rounds at conferences, rallies and on public access networks across America. To get quantities of this DVD, go to http://www.fiatempire.com/screener/index2.html and to get the Director's Cut of FIAT EMPIRE with 120-minutes of additional interviews of Ron Paul, Edwin Vieira, G. Edward Griffin and Ted Baehr, go to http://www.FiatEmpire.com/screener

FIAT EMPIRE was inspired by the book, "The Creature From Jekyll Island" by well-known author and FREEDOM FORCE founder, G. EDWARD GRIFFIN and produced by attorney William L. Van Alen, Jr. FIAT EMPIRE, with a running time of about 1-hour, is a co-production between Matrixx Productions and Cornerstone Entertainment. In addition to interviews by G. Edward Griffin and Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas), FIAT EMPIRE features interviews with MOVIEGUIDE Founder, DR. TED BAEHR and constitutional attorney, EDWIN VIEIRA (4 degrees from Harvard). FIAT EMPIRE was written and directed by Hollywood filmmaker, James Jaeger, and narrated by Kris Chandler. Associate producers are Ted Pollard, author and former Commissioner of Radnor Township and James E. Ewart, well-known author of MONEY. Lastly, the music for FIAT EMPIRE was written by Jack Rooney. If you want to get this sound track, visit his site at http://home.att.net/~JackRooney and order The Eternal Upgrade at http://home.att.net/~jackrooney/store.html.

If you are a distributor, or a radio station, and wish to carry FIAT EMPIRE - Director's Cut with up to 120-minutes of unedited additional interviews, go to http://www.FiatEmpire.com/screener/index2.html and you can order on-line 24/7. Please allow 10 days for shipping.

As a public service, a free screener of FIAT EMPIRE is also up on Google Video at www.FiatEmpire.tv

For more information on FIAT EMPIRE and ORIGINAL INTENT please visit http://www.FiatEmpire.com or, in the event that site is ever down, visit the mirror site at http://www.mecfilms.com/fiat.


One of the most accomplished filmmakers in the Golden Era of Hollywood, Lee Garmes, has 111 features to his credit (14 for producing and directing and 97 for cinematography). Although officially unaccredited, Lee Garmes photographed a considerable portion of GONE WITH THE WIND.

Mr. Garmes directed the photography on six films nominated for an Academy Award and won an Academy Award for SHANGHAI EXPRESS. A brilliant experimenter, Lee Garmes, made many technical contributions to the industry and received the Eastman Kodak Award twice.

In a last interview, available at http://www.mecfilms.com/mid/movies/garmes.mpa, filmmaker James Jaeger inquires about turn-of-the-century Hollywood, lighting techniques, aspect ratios, working with Alfred Hitchcock and Billy Wylder, film vs. tape, the future of film education. Also on this CD is James Jaeger's commentary on what it was like to work with Lee Garmes, ASC, DGA, ISPA.


Matrixx Productions was founded in 1981 in Studio City, California. Below are the updates for the past years.

Thank you for your continued support of Matrixx Entertainment. You are greatly appreciated.

Director of Public Relations

Although the information herein is believed to be accurate and correct, anything to be added, changed or deleted should be brought to the attention of the VP Public Relations within five business days. This Update does not and cannot constitute an offer to sell any securities of Matrixx Entertainment Corporation. Any projections, if any, made herein represent a goal only and there can be no assurance of attainment thereof. This Update replaces any earlier Updates as such may pertain to the subject matter hereof. Matrixx Entertainment Corporation, including any of its subsidiaries or divisions, does not endorse any particular philosophy, religion, political ideology or reform movement(s) and any expressed, if any, is done so with the understanding such is the sole viewpoint and responsibility of the person or entity promulgating same.

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All Rights Reserved